• Is this the same content as Fred's Tiny Houses weekend workshops?

    Yes! It is an up-dated, fresh and complete delivery of the weekend of workshops, including All Things Trailers, Taking it Off-Grid, Where To Put a Tiny House and How To Build a Tiny House.

  • I've already taken the weekend workshop a year ago, is it worth doing this online course too?

    Yes! There's a lot of updated technical information here with new slides and descriptions of how to achieve a successful tiny house. It's a great way of going over the content at your own pace so that you can integrate the information, not just let it fly by as it can do in the face-to-face workshops.

  • Do I get the 'How To Build a Tiny House - The Australian Online Course' for free when I buy a Fred's Tiny House Trailer?

    Yes! The same package deal exists with the online course as it does with the workshop-trailer package. When you buy your Fred's Tiny House Trailer, send him the purchase receipt of The Australian Online Course and he will discount the cost of one course from your trailer invoice.

  • Is this information for the United States or Australia?

    This information is for Australia. It covers a lot of rules and regulations that are only applicable in Australia and will be different in most other countries. There is, however, a lot of tiny house building principles that will still be relevant for people in countries outside of Australia.

  • When does the course begin?

    This is a self-directed course, meaning that you can take any and all of the Units whenever you like. Some courses start and finish at a particular time but not this one. Start when you're ready, go back to it whenever you want to and drill down into the details when you're building.